Posts Tagged ‘ Facebook features ’


The group teaching Geo-Location shed some light on services such as FourSquare and Gowalla. Before the class I have used FourSquare, but had only heard of Gowalla, never used it. The assignment for Gowalla was fun, planning a trip with ten stops along the way was somewhat challenging, so I did a mock of the trip I am taking after graduation.

An app like FourSquare is incredibly useful for businesses, sure people like to use it for fun, but what they don’t realize is that they are promoting and publicizing companies and businesses that they “check-in” at. This could be very useful for a business because if the business partners with FourSquare, they can have alerts sent to FourSquare users as they pass the store, restaurant, etc. that will alert them of deals and incentives to come into their business.

As far as personal use goes I do not like to use these services because I always forget to check in and I don’t know anyone else that uses them so it is sort of useless for me personally, however I do see many practical uses both personally as well as professionally.